My Mom is very cuddly and I like her a lot. This past weekend I had a very big Saturday. I went to the house of my human's friends and met their girl Emily, who was very nice. I also saw a cat.
Then I took my humans to the pet store. It's important to introduce your humans to other humans, so that they will be socialized to like other humans. Everyone said I was a super good boy, and I got signed up for school. Yay! I am going to be the bestest boy ever in school, you'll see. My human Charles was given a button with both our pictures on it. This is important for him to wear so that people can know he's my human. Dogs can tell of course because I make sure he smells like me, but humans have terrible noses. Really just useless. But what do you expect they have hardly any sort of a snout at all. Well Charles has a not bad snout for a human but still.
What else? Oh yes, I am learning how to get humans to give me treats, and you won't believe how easy it is. First you just look at them, then when they say sit you just sit down and next thing you know, treat! I mean, c'mon how easy is that.
I am also training my humans to play fetch and they are getting better and better at it. We started just playing it inside with small distances but lately we've been having big games and the humans are getting in better shape so now they are throwing the duck further and further. This is fun, and of course it gives Charles more exercise so he's lost another pound, that's 3 so far. I am also up a pound, I am getting bigger and bigger. So now Charles weighs only 36 times as much as I. Great progress!
Oh and I am also getting my bark on. I try to let them know when I want to play or when something's going on. I know my humans are worried I will be too noisy when we move to the condo. I haven't forgot that I'm here rather than my brother because I was the quiet one. Charles went to the store to see if they had something to help keep me quiet, but they said I should be allowed six months to get the hang of my voice until they buy anything like that. Yay! Or should I say, Woof!
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