This is Lucy. She is a Parson (Jack) Russell Terrier. She is 16 years old. That's really old. My humans have had her for 11 years now. She doesn't hear or see as well as she used to. She has trouble sometimes keeping her food down and she can get pretty thin. Some days she has energy, but some days she just sits and rests. She doesn't like winter very much.
When Lucy was younger, she didn't meet a lot of dogs. When she got older, when she did meet other dogs, she'd usually try and beat them up. So when I'm around, most of the time Lucy gets to wear a special mouth covering.
My humans were going to wait until Lucy goes to The Big Doghouse in the Sky before they found another dog, but I convinced them to get one earlier. This is because one of my humans is prepared to consider buying anything if it's half-price.
Most of the time Lucy ignores me. She growled at me once. I was sniffing her butt at the time. So here is a piece of advice: some people will growl at you if you sniff their bums, so be careful whose bum you smell, or maybe ask permission first.
I would like to play with Lucy, but I have to remember my primary duties to my humans and make sure they get to play and exercise. Charles used to be Lucy's human. He drove all the way to Ontario to pick her up when her former humans had a baby and couldn't keep her. When Charles and Sarah lived in different places, Sarah used to come and visit Lucy, so Lucy helped them decide to get married. So they love Lucy.
When Sarah came to live with Charles, she became Lucy's human and Charles became this other guy. Then when Mark came to live with Charles and Sarah, Mark became Lucy's boy and Sarah was Lucy's girl, and Charles was just this shmuck who paid for Lucy. I think this is because Charles's voice is too deep and Lucy can't hear it, and Charles says it's because Lucy is an ungrateful female dog. Anyway, the point of this is that Charles is obviously smarting from being emotionally abandoned and so as a result I have to pay special attention to Charles so he doesn't feel sad.
I think Lucy and I will be great friends, and Lucy thinks I would be delicious, and has started a blog to explain how much she loves me. Yay!
I love Lucy. But then again, I love everyone.