So Sarah picked me up and Charles started driving the car. This was first experience with being in a car. The car was a silver PT Cruiser, which I think they call the Batmobile. Did I mention that people are silly?
We got to the end of the driveway and then Sarah drove and Charles held me. You can see his grey beard in the background of this picture of me. We drove a few kilometres and I had never been in a car before. So what I did next was I threw up all over Charles's shoulder. The vomit was very hot, and very smelly, and very muddy. And at this point Charles was thinking terrific, this owning a puppy is working out even better than I had hoped. And Sarah was thinking she was glad to be driving because she was wearing a nice coat.
Anyway, the humans cleaned up a bit and then we drove some more. Did I mention I had never been in a car before? Right, well, I hadn't. So I threw up on Charles again. You must understand it's not personal, I just didn't like moving like that, it made me feel bad in my tummy. So they cleaned up some more and then stopped in Alma and got some paper towels, because they had forgot to bring towels.
So then we drove some more, and this time when I started to throw up again, they stopped the car and held me outside the door so it went on the ground, although there wasn't very much left now. But there was enough left to throw up one more time after that, on Charles' pants.
By now however, we had reached the highway, and my stomach was empty, and I was getting the hang of being in a car. So, even though we drove two more hours after that, I didn't have any more problems. We stopped at Charles's sister's family and I met his nephews and nieces. Ava likes dogs, I can tell. Stephen, too. Daniel came up and looked at me in his Spider-man bathrobe, but then went right back down to the basement. Lydia took photos of me which I think I'll show you later. Kenn played with me some and also I had a drink of water, which was nice after all the vomiting. Charles was saying that maybe Casey was a bad name for me and Pukey might be more fitting. He also got a shirt from Kenn to replace the Sushiman one I threw up on. Charles is quite a bit fatter than Kenn so the shirt bulged at the buttons.
After our brief stop at the Mainvilles, we drove home, and I was a good puppy with an empty tummy, so there was no need to vomit on Charles any more, because I'd got the hang of it, and I'd made my point, which was that I'd marked Charles with my smell so now he was my human.
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