On January 14th, this guy came by to see me. This is an older picture of him, when he came to see me he was fatter and greyer than in this picture, and he was wearing a baseball cap to keep his hair under control. I think his name is Charles but he may also be called "Daddy" because that's what some people call him.
Charles came by with his friend Greg, who was his best man at his wedding, whatever that means. They were about to spend the weekend with some other buddies in the mountains in Alma, which they have done every year for 16 people years. I don't know what that is in dog years but I think it's a long time.
Because they were in the area, Charles asked Greg if they could drive over and take a look at me and the other puppies. They followed a GPS to find me and got lost on the way, but they didn't mind because they weren't in a hurry and the scenery was nice.
Charles liked my birthplace and he liked my birth mom's people. He was thinking about taking a puppy for the whole weekend so he could spend time with it before he went home, but his buddies said the puppy might get hurt, so that he should wait until after the weekend. Charles said his friends were "Puppy Haters". I don't think this is true, but this is a good thing for dogs to learn about people. I think when men are friends, they show this by making fun of each other. It's a bit like play-biting.
When Charles arrived, my two half-siblings were spoken for, so it was just between me and my little brother. Charles liked my little brother best at first, because he's a bit more outgoing than I. Also, because he's smaller, he's cuter. Anyway, when Charles left the house, he had decided he would come back next week and decide with his wife which puppy to take - if either of us was still around. But he was definitely leaning toward my brother.
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