People ask me, what does a discriminating puppy enjoy watching? Well, I am told years ago it was easy, because the best shows were the ones on the vacuum tube TVs where the TV was getting old and there'd be a really high-pitched whine the humans coulnd't hear, sort of like a closed-captioning for canines so we could just sit and enjoy the sub-text. Sadly, that's largely a thing of the past in today's high-def solid-state world.
So while I can't enjoy shows like in the good old days, my human is quite fond of watching TV and lately he's been watching a show I quite enjoy.
The show is called Chuck, and it's co-produced by a woman named Anne Cofell Saunders, whom my human knew when he lived in Japan. She also worked on 24 and Battlestar Galactica. My human always liked Anne, but I think he likes the show for some other reasons:
The show's main protoganist is a total computer geek named Charles. He is tall and totally awkward, although he's smart. He's clueless around women, although he's kind of king of the nerd herd where he works.
Chuck is assigned a government agent who is played by a total babe, who is named Sarah. She is very nice and very beautiful and we think she might like Charles a little, but she tries not to show it sometimes.
My human was introduced to this show by his sister, Stephanie Mainville, who's a cool musician. I haven't met her but I met her kids and they are very nice. And like puppies.
Anyway, I'm not sure why my human likes a show where the hero is named Charles and the babe is named Sarah, but humans are hard to understand. However, look at the cool guy on the right, who's like a super trained government killer! He's played by the guy who was Jane on Serenity, but Jane is a stupid name for a clever and strong boy. Fortunately on this show, he has the best name possible: Casey.
Anyway, it's a show with a hero Charles, a super agent babe / love interest Sarah, and super talented agent named Casey. That sounds like a good show to me - even if I do fall asleep sometimes when my human holds me while he's watching.
For the record, Sarah says I wasn't named Casey after this guy, but after another guy in another TV show. I'll show him to you another day. I'll bet he too is a super-cool agent spy guy. Yay!
That is a fine little show. Nice how the names all worked out for you. I hope your owners' friend is paying them royalties.